WOMS Counselor’s Corner

September is Suicide Prevention Month

No one likes to talk about suicide, but it’s a subject that has to be addressed, especially when it comes to young children and teens.  According to current data, suicide is the leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 24 in the United States.  In addition, according to Pew Research, “people 10-24 years old account for 14% of all suicides”  in the United States.  Therefore, even though it is a scary and uncomfortable topic, education and awareness are the keys to prevention.

September is Suicide Awareness Month and October is Mental Health Awareness Month.  The myths have been that if we don’t talk about suicide, they won’t think about it.  Unfortunately, they’re already talking about it with each other and learning about it on social media.  Take some time to educate yourself about the warning signs of self-harm and suicide, talk to your children, and please, don’t ever assume it cannot happen to your family.

See the resources below for further information, and if you ever have questions or concerns, please reach out.  If I do not have the answers, I will connect you with those who do.


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